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Re:Part 127
Date Posted:02/07/2016 00:08 AMCopy HTML
Connecting to irc.buzzen.net:6668Connected! › You have joined the conversation. › Guest_Callisto +q Guest_Jacen Guest_Callisto continues to walk toward the edge of town... Guest_Jacen had been following her when he saw her pass by the tavern, and gently grabs hold of her arm, pulling her back to him "Cal? hey what are you doing in town?" Guest_Callisto : She wants me to come to her Guest_Callisto says in a absent voice... Guest_Jacen gently shakes her "Hey, snap out of it, Callie...you dont have to listen to her, you have your own free will" Guest_Callisto : She wants me to come home Guest_Jacen : she wants to punish you for failing in your task to bring both you and your sister back Guest_Callisto gently tries to pull out of his arms... Guest_Jacen tightens his hold on her, gently putting his hand on her chin, lifting her face up to look at him, and grits his teeth when he sees the vacant look in her eyes "Callie, you are stronger than this...she is manipulating you" and he leans in and kisses her deeply, pouring his true feelings and love into that kiss Guest_Callisto as he kisses her...the trance breaks...pulling her back to her senses...she quickly pulls back...looking at him in shock..."Jacen...what...What's going on?" Guest_Jacen : Hera is stepping up her game to get you back...you are at the outskirts of town Guest_Callisto looks around...the confusion evident on her face..."How...did I get here..." Guest_Callisto : Last thing I remember was laying down to try to sleep Guest_Callisto : I havent been sleeping Guest_Jacen why?" starting to walk back to the tavern where his speeder was parked Guest_Callisto : I....dont know...I just cant get my mind to settle down so I can sleep... Guest_Jacen : lets figure out what is running through your head... Guest_Callisto : I dont know...Lots of things...Training scenerios...magic lessons...combat training...interrogations...edicate lessons... Guest_Jacen : somehow I dont think thats all thats bothering you.... Guest_Callisto looks at him... Guest_Jacen leans against his speeder, looking back at her, crossing his arms "tell me Im wrong but there is something else, and Im willing to bet it has something to do with this weekend and your sister and David" Guest_Callisto narrows her eyes...but nods slightly... Guest_Callisto thinks back to her conversation with Keara..."Loosing my sister...again..." Guest_Callisto : I grew up a Hand...when a Hand..."married"...she was never seen again Guest_Jacen : ahh...and you are worried that's going to happen to Chris.... Guest_Callisto looks away from him...blushing a bit Guest_Jacen : its understandable that you would think that, considering how you grew up....but I can personally say that David would never keep you and Christy apart...in this world, when a couple marries, the family gets bigger...and believe it or not, Dave cares a lot about you...and he wants Chris to be happy Guest_Callisto looks back at him...a faint sheen of unshed tears are just brimming in her eyes... Guest_Jacen smiles softly at her "I just wish you would realize that..you are lucky to be getting a large, warm, welcoming family with the Phillips-Bradford and Silverlight families" Guest_Callisto : Christy is getting that... Guest_Jacen : and even before she knew about Christy being engaged to David, Keara had already adopted you into the family Guest_Callisto : Only because I had what she needed to save her boyfriend...otherwise she would have never given me the time of day... Guest_Jacen : you know that isnt true..Ive known that kid for most of her life and she never has once used people to get what she wants..if you didnt have what was needed to save his highness, she still wouldve given you the time of day, thats just how she is Guest_Callisto : I am a Mal witch who would have reported back who and what she is... Guest_Jacen : she knows that, but she chose to see the good in you Guest_Callisto : I am not good Guest_Jacen : if that was the case, you wouldnt be standing here talking to me...hell I wouldve been dead at our first meeting if that was the case Guest_Jacen : and you wouldve found a way to take Chris back to Mauve hall Guest_Callisto looks away from him...a tear escaping her eye Guest_Jacen pushes off the speeder and pulls her into a hug Guest_Callisto hugs him back...closing her eyes...he feels her stiffen for a moment... Guest_Callisto pulls back...eyes still closed...then she opens them...looking up at him...what color had been in her face disappears... Guest_Callisto : I...... Guest_Callisto : I....am going to kill you Guest_Callisto nods Guest_Callisto : you dont...know that Guest_Jacen : No I dont but you are not going to worry about it...and now we need to figure out a way to make you mentally stronger so you can protect yourself from her so you can get some sleep Guest_Callisto : I dont know Guest_Jacen : Im not easy to kill and that bitch is playing with your emotions...and we'll figure something out...Im not sure what Chris's powers are but maybe we can find a mentally strong witch to help protect you Guest_Callisto : Only ones I knew of were all Mals Guest_Jacen : well we arent asking them...and besides I was thinking of ones that were close Guest_Callisto swallows...putting some distance between them Guest_Jacen watches her "well I guess you trying to kill me puts me in the same club as Dave.." trying to lighten the mood Guest_Callisto : Not funny Guest_Callisto shakes her head no...but he can see the corners of her mouth twitching upward... Guest_Callisto smiles a bit when he says that... Guest_Jacen smiles back "beautiful....feeling any better?" Guest_Callisto nods Guest_Jacen : good...hungry? we can go into the tavern or I can torture you with my cooking, or pray that Dave is back at the cottage with food Guest_Callisto : a little... Guest_Callisto : I am open to anything Guest_Callisto gets into the speeder... Guest_Jacen gets in the speeder and soon they are heading to Momma Belles, and when they pull into the parking lot, he sends a message to David Guest_Callisto : what is this place? Guest_Callisto nods...getting out as he parks the speeder...looking around... Guest_Jacen gets out of the speeder, watching her "if you are ok with it, I invited Chris and David to join us if they have some free time"› Guest_David +Q Guest_David Guest_Callisto : Fine› Guest_Jacen +q Guest_Christine Guest_David a bit after they arrive...David and Chris arrive... Guest_Jacen : things are good...just thought a night out would be fun Guest_Callisto : Hera..... Guest_Jacen : hit the nail right on the head there, Chris..." glancing at David Guest_David : Rahl isnt having a great year....he knows the Enchanted Ones have formed...his two prize witches have disappeared...and he lost his bid to take over Caire... Guest_Christine : sounds like he already is, considering how aggressive Hera is getting...what did she do exactly? Guest_Callisto : I am not sure...last thing I remembered was laying down in my room at the house...next thing Jacen woke me up and I was almost out of town... Guest_David : Once any of the magical beings get outside of town...they arnt protected Guest_David : Mom and Aunt Keara put magical barriers around the town...making it a safe zone... Guest_David : From what I know about witches with mental abilities...once Callie left the protection...she could be tracked...not entirely sure how powerful this Hera is... Guest_Callisto : and in the running to become the Empress Guest_Callisto : If she proves her worth...he has promised to marry her Guest_Jacen : and Christy...bring them back and she has proven herself Guest_David : makes sense...we need to find a way to safeguard both of them Guest_Christine : ok guys, we are sitting right here...dont start making plans that include our say Guest_Jacen mutters under his breath "guess thats one way to keep a pregnant witch in a somewhat good mood" Guest_Callisto is being quiet...a bit of a far away look to her... Guest_Christine Callie?" she reaches over and gently shakes her sister's arm Guest_Callisto gasps as her sister touches her... Guest_Callisto : I dont know...few days ago... Guest_David : She would be a lot easier to take over if her mind is tired Guest_Callisto : I am fine Guest_Jacen : oh dont start that...if you were fine she wouldnt be able to get to you so easily Guest_Callisto gives him a glare...starting to get up Guest_Jacen gently reaches over and takes her hand, gently tugging her "sit back down" Guest_Callisto sits back down... Guest_David : Jacen...get her back to the house...we will be right behind you... Guest_Callisto : No...I dont want to ruin everyone's dinner Guest_Jacen : thats why there is nice little thing called take out..come on, we'll eat back at the cottage Guest_Callisto gets up without much more protest...which just emphasises how tired she really is... Guest_Jacen just shakes his head as the two of them leave and head back to the cottage Guest_David : She is a pleaser...she puts the wants and needs of others before herself...she refuses to be a burdon to anyone... Guest_Callisto its a short drive back to the cottage...she goes into her bedroom...changing into more comfortable clothing...fustrated that she didnt even remember what made her chose what she was wearing to begin with... Guest_Jacen stays in the living area while she goes to change Guest_Christine : and she's getting frustrated because Jace isnt allowing her to do that with him Guest_Callisto comes back out...pulling her hair up in a ponytail... Guest_Christine shakes her head "no...but we never had that type of relationship" Guest_Callisto : because she isnt about to burdern you with anything Guest_Callisto sits down beside him Guest_Jacen causually lays his arm across her shoulders "relax and try to rest, darling" Guest_Callisto leans against him...staring at the fire... Guest_David : it a stressor...she is young...barely an adult...not equipted mentally to handle that yet...given her formative years she didnt have what is commonly considered a loving upbringing... Guest_Jacen holds her "everything is going to work out" says softly Guest_David : first step...she has gotta sleep...take fatigue out of the picture Guest_David : we may have to resort to a more...definante method...She has gone to bed three nights in a row...she tosses and turns...yet she is telling us its been a few days since she did sleep... Guest_Christine : what are you suggesting? a potion? neither one of us are good at brewing them Guest_David : Jacen wont let her out of his sight...if she is not sleeping by the time we get back...I have something that will work Guest_David pays the bill...and gets the to go containers off their waitress... Guest_Christine : all of the sudden i cant help but think you did that quite often to your cousins growing up Guest_Jacen gently rubs her back as they both sit watching the fire Guest_David : Never dared try it on them...They would have killed me Guest_Callisto shifts a bit...but is still not falling to sleep... Guest_Jacen : relax and close your eyes, Callie...Im not going anywhere Guest_Callisto does what he suggests... Guest_David a short while later...they get back to the cottage... Guest_Christine they go into cottage, quietly, and Chris puts the bag on the counter Guest_Callisto : unsuccessfully Guest_Christine : Callie, is there any thing we can do to help you sleep? maybe some sedatives? Guest_Callisto : No Guest_Callisto : brb Guest_Christine : Callie, for once put yourself first..you arent a burden to us..and please I dont want Hera hurting you Guest_Callisto shakes her head no... Guest_David has quietly headed up to his and Chris' bedroom...and come back down...listening to the exchange... Guest_Callisto starts to get up... Guest_Jacen keeps her seated "stop it...and your sister is right...and even I know its not smart to make a pregnant woman mad" Guest_Callisto : let go Guest_Callisto keeps trying to get up...becoming more agitated Guest_Jacen tightens his hold "do whatever you are going to do, dude" Guest_David moves over to them...pulling her arm out straight with one hand...uncapping a pre-filled syringe in the other...he quickly gives her the injection... Guest_Callisto continues to struggle...but there is no real strenght behind it... Guest_Jacen holds her to him "shh, love...time to relax and get some much needed sleep" Guest_Callisto leans her head against his shoulder... Guest_David : if I had to guess...as soon as she starts to drift off...that's when her mind is at its weakest...and when they ramp up the attack...she was half asleep when we came in Guest_Jacen kisses the top of her head "so hopefully once she is fully asleep they cant attack.." Guest_David : keep her at that state...she wont get any rest...I put her into a deeper sleep... Guest_David : just enough to put her into the deeper sleep for about 10 minutes...hopefully her body will take over and stay there Guest_David : another sediative I have...it will knock her out for about 8 hours...but its harder to manage Guest_Christine while they had been talking and dealing with Callie, Chris had slipped away, and had made her way to the edge of town, and stepped away from the boundary, silently hoping her doing that will get the focus off of her sister Guest_Jacen stands and gently picks her up, going into her bedroom and laying her on the bed Guest_Jacen covers callie with a blanket before going back out into the living room "what? she didnt wake up when I laid her down" Guest_Jacen takes the syringe "hope i dont have to use it" Guest_Callisto races out the door...tracking her footprints in the snow... Guest_Jacen goes back into the bedroom, sitting in a chair Guest_Christine : doing what I shouldve done in the first place, protecting my sister... Guest_David : Sweetie...I know you want to protect her...but this isnt the way Guest_Christine : why? they get me back and they lose focus on her for the time being..... Guest_David : They will never loose focus on her...She is his daughter... Guest_Christine : I said for the time being, gives you and your cousins time to get her away, cover up her magic trail Guest_David : you have the raw power and natural strength...like your mother...but she is still his blood Guest_David : in one of the farm appartments...under Alliance guard Guest_David : from what I have managed to learn...She was born without powers and adopted out with his blessing...She was adopted by a Baron and Baroness Westclox on Caire... Guest_David : raised from infancy to marry into the royal line of Caire...engaged to Prince Christopher...› paulrlon has left the conversation. Guest_Christine : I remember going to that funeral...I was part of the honor guard for the Emperor at that time... Guest_David : She was driven to be Queen of Caire by any means necessary...that meant getting rid of the competition Guest_David they get back into the cottage...heading to check on Callie Guest_Callisto has remained out...thanks to the drug putting her into a deeper sleep than she had been able to manage on her own... Guest_Jacen comes out into the living room when he hears them return "she's sound asleep" Guest_Christine quietly goes into her sisters room and sits on the bed, staying with her Guest_Jacen watches her "im guessing her disappearing act had nothing to do with fresh air"