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- Register:11/18/2009 17:00 PM
Date Posted:05/27/2017 08:16 AMCopy HTML
Connecting to Connected! › You have joined the conversation. › Guest_Kallie has changed your modes to +Q › Guest_Keara has joined the conversation. Passport: 0_88b198c1afc6af431ae8fce3ef83845e Guest_Kallie knocks on the door to the farm house...› Guest_Kallie +q Guest_Keara Guest_Keara gets up from the couch, having been reading, the kids with Elsa in town and answers the door "hey Kalli, come in" says, smiling Guest_Kallie : Hey Guest_Keara : make yourself at home...got some fresh iced tea made if you want some Guest_Kallie : sure...thank you Guest_Kallie : sorry to barg in like this Guest_Keara motions her to follow "youre not barging in...whats up" and goes into the kitchen, pouring her a glass of tea from the pitcher and glasses set out Guest_Kallie takes the glass from her..."I just couldn't handle it any more...Baby this...baby that..." Guest_Kallie nods...sipping at the tea... Guest_Keara : thats going to continue for the next 18 years...have you tried to form a bond with her? Guest_Kallie : She is a baby Guest_Kallie swallows hard...swirling the contents of her glass... Guest_Kallie : I know Guest_Keara watches her "not used to having to share attention, are you" Guest_Kallie : No.... Guest_Kallie gets up...going over to the window...staring out..."I'm not trying to be a bitch or brat...I am really not...but..." Guest_Kallie : its...been a year Guest_Kallie : I dont fit in here... Guest_Keara : really? from what Ive seen, you do...just in a different way Guest_Kallie : Christy is moving on with her life...she has David...now Mia...she made the transition from Hand to wife and mother... Guest_Keara : and you have the chance to transition into the cool aunt Guest_Kallie looks down....biting her lip Guest_Kallie : how! Guest_Kallie snaps in a fustrated tone... Guest_Kallie : i'm sorry... Guest_Keara : no its ok...I get how you are feeling...but the thing is, I dont know how to explain it...it just seems to happen, fitting in... Guest_Kallie : I dont get it...I cant grow anything to save my ass...I hate riding horses...I hate being so...isolated...all I do is sit in my rooms at the walls... Guest_Kallie : what else is there to do...I cant go outside of the town without Hera or the others Hands sensing me... Guest_Keara : why didnt you say something soon? I can help you with hiding from them Guest_Kallie : I was a warrior...I learned command...how to fight...how...to lead Guest_Kallie : you make it sound so easy...what am I supposed to ask...how the hell do I get out of here and find a life that I fit in with> Guest_Kallie : He is a bit busy with the rebellion Guest_Kallie sighs..."im sorry...I should...go..." Guest_Keara : what are you sorry about? and its nice to talk with someone... Guest_Kallie : You dont need to hear this Guest_Kallie takes her glass back out to the kitchen...putting it on the counter by the sink... Guest_Keara : Im your friend, and part of being friends is listening to one bitch Guest_Kallie swallows hard... Guest_Keara : and honestly, its a nice change from the conversations that ive been having with Kenzi... Guest_Kallie : how is she doing Guest_Keara : she's trying to get through this...it helps that Matt's back from Jade Guest_Kallie : She's strong...she can do it Guest_Kallie : she needs time Guest_Keara sips from her glass "I know...I just dont know how Im going to get through it..." Guest_Kallie looks over at her...coming to stand next to the island...the book is on the counter...when she puts her hand on the counter...the book reacts...zapping her..."Ouch!" Guest_Keara 's eyes widen "ok..I didnt bring that book down here...are you ok?" going over to the counter Guest_Kallie : yeah Guest_Kallie looks at her hand...then at the book... Guest_Keara steps back "you know..I just remembered, I have an appointment in town..." Guest_Kallie : Ok...again...sorry to barge in on you... Guest_Kallie goes toward the front door... Guest_Kallie starts to head back toward the cottage...walking slowly Guest_Keara after Kallie leaves, Keara picks up the book and goes up to the attic, and once up there, she sets candles in a circle, lightening them, and says the spell Hear these words, hear my cry, Spirit from the other side. Come to me, I summon thee, Cross now the great divide." Guest_Kallie Keara's mother appears in a sparkling of white lights..."Hello my darling..." Guest_Kallie : What can I do for you my darling Guest_Kallie : What about your young friend Guest_Keara shakes her head "not while she still thinks of herself as a Mal witch...the book just zapped her..." Guest_Kallie : Well...that book has made mistakes in the past Guest_Kallie over on its stand...the book seems to vibrate...as if bristling in anger... Guest_Kallie : He'll get over it Guest_Kallie makes herself corporeal...stepping over to the couch that was still in the attic...taking Keara by the hand and leading her to sit down... Guest_Kallie : The book is a living spirit...of our Ramboldi ancestor... Guest_Keara sits on the couch "oh...didnt realize that..." Guest_Kallie : Like I said...he can make mistakes... Guest_Kallie : he was once...human Guest_Kallie the book slams shut...as if in a huff... Guest_Keara covers her mouth to keep from laughing out loud Guest_Kallie : he tends to remain bookish...helps witches think of him more as a book...than a spirit... Guest_Keara : good to know...and what I need to talk about, I dont think she would understand... Guest_Kallie : what do you need to talk about Guest_Kallie : yes...I can feel her pain Guest_Kallie : inadvertedly...you are...but...you cant stop your life...any more than she can... Guest_Kallie : The only one who can help Kenzi...is Kenzi...I know she is hurting...and its going to hurt for a long time...but...in the end...she has to decide to live her life...and decide what she wants to do... Guest_Keara : I dont know what to do...I see the look on her face when she sees Chris and Elizabeth Guest_Kallie : her emotional angst is still very raw... Guest_Kallie : be supportive...be the shoulder she can cry on when she needs it... Guest_Kallie : but live your life too...you are a mother now...you need to be there for the little ones...as well as be sister to their Aunt Guest_Kallie : you'll find a balance Guest_Kallie : follow your instints Keara... Guest_Keara sighs softly "I just feel like im on an emotional roller coaster right now....worried about both mara and Kenzi...." Guest_Kallie : Oh I can imagine...Kenzi is enough to handle...but Mara...with the Wellers...that makes me shiver...and mind you...I am dead and cant feel cold Guest_Keara : well Kenzi has Matt here as well, and according to Mara, Eragon is trying to find his footing when it comes to standing up to her....they both have someone to lean on.... Guest_Kallie : Eragon Weller is more his mother than his father...which of the four...I am grateful Mara ended up with him... Guest_Kallie : Mara is where she is supposed to be...protecting an innocent Guest_Keara : im beginning to agree....speaking of him....is there any way to fix the charms around here so he can be allowed in? Guest_Kallie : Kenzi will find her way...just be patient Guest_Kallie clears her throat...looking at the book... Guest_Kallie the book rustles his pages...refusing to open.... Guest_Keara : theres something in there isnt there..something he isnt sharing Guest_Kallie : Dont you rustle your pages at me...open up to the right spell Guest_Kallie the book vibrates...then flips open to the correct spell... Guest_Kallie : there Guest_Kallie : you can alter the crystals to allow in who you wish Guest_Keara thank you..." she looks over at the book "and thank you, you have no idea how much that means to me..."says to the book Guest_Kallie the book seem to glow... Guest_Kallie : When I orginally set the crytals...I was trying to keep all Mals from entering...with the exception of those who are family...which is why Kristy and Kalli were able to come here...I loved Nat as a sister...so I wanted her daughters to be safe here too Guest_Kallie : He is being protective Guest_Keara : I get that, but he picked some of the worst times to go protective Guest_Kallie : Like I said...he can make mistakes...even embedded with magic...his magic came from a human source... Guest_Kallie : yes sweetheart Guest_Keara : when daddy went on business trips, how did you handle it? Guest_Kallie : well...I had 3 little girls to look after Guest_Kallie : It didnt make it any easier... Guest_Kallie : but... Guest_Kallie : I had to put you girls first... Guest_Kallie : I would miss him Guest_Kallie : a lot Guest_Kallie : what you are feeling is normal Guest_Keara : heres the thing, I dont just miss him, im worried...I know crazy...but I dont think Ive fully gotten over what happened.... Guest_Kallie : I know Guest_Kallie : and its not crazy Guest_Keara : really? and I know he's busy, but it wouldnt hurt if he would call.... Guest_Kallie : Do you want me to haunt him until he calls you? Guest_Kallie : yeah Guest_Kallie says with a smirk Guest_Kallie : You cant be with him every second of every day for the rest of his life...or you will smother him... Guest_Kallie : and he due back...in what...two days Guest_Kallie : you have gone a week without him...you can survive two more days Guest_Kallie : besides...you have other things you can focus on Guest_Keara : then can you drop hints about him doing something sweet and romantic when he gets home? Guest_Kallie : I can do that Guest_Kallie : long as you work on something for me Guest_Kallie : your young friend Guest_Kallie : she is about to make a mistake Guest_Kallie takes Keara's hand into her own...sending an image to her mind...of Callie...being tortured...by a Mal Witch... Guest_Keara cries out when she feels Callies pain through the premonition Guest_Kallie : She feels isolated...ingorned...its only gotten worse as her sister has adjusted to married life...as much as Kristy loves her sister...the bond that is vital to their survival isnt developed...Rahl made sure of that... Guest_Kallie : because he wants them fractured... Guest_Keara rubs her forehead "so on top of everything else, I have to add this...i just dont know where to start..." Guest_Kallie : if she returns to Rahl...he will kill her... Guest_Kallie : inside this town...he cant find her...I made sure of that when I put crystals around the town Guest_Kallie : as far as where to start...what would you want if you were her... Guest_Keara : but the problem is, she doesnt want to stay in town Guest_Kallie : because she is missing something here Guest_Kallie : a purpose Guest_Kallie : its not an easy solution...but ingoring her isnt going to fix anything...nore is letting her rot in Ana's basement with nothing to do Guest_Kallie : He hasnt summoned me Guest_Kallie : you did Guest_Kallie : I can only come when called Guest_Kallie says with a warm smile... Guest_Kallie : Kalli...is a young...smart...teenager... Guest_Keara runs her hand through her hair "let me find time to fit her into my schedule...and time to kick David's ass for this" Guest_Kallie : She is not an appointment Keara Guest_Kallie : you cant fit her in like she is either Guest_Kallie : She is family Guest_Keara : and so is Kenzi, so are the kids, and then theres the farm... Guest_Kallie : well...if you start treating them like appointments...I will come back and haunt your ass... Guest_Kallie smirks.... Guest_Kallie : kicking David's ass might be what is needed then Guest_Keara laughs softly "im sorry...i guess im spreading myself too thin..." Guest_Kallie : a little Guest_Kallie : You are the heart of this family Keara... Guest_Kallie : its protector Guest_Kallie : let your heart guide you Guest_Keara : alright...and um...got some advice how to keep the Mal's from sensing Kalli outside of town... Guest_Kallie looks up...and Keara can hear a twinkling of bells..."The protection wont extend outside of the town...they are looking for her...and they wont stop hunting her until Rahl is dead..." Guest_Kallie : Oh sweetheart...I have to...I dont belong in this world... Guest_Kallie hugs her back...kissing her head... Guest_Kallie : I love you Keara... Guest_Kallie : I am always watching over you...never forget that Guest_Kallie : it will be a month at least until you can summon me again Guest_Keara : thats when the inlaws are supposed to be back in Caire after visiting... Guest_Kallie smiles at her...kissing her again...before letting her go...stepping back into the circle of candles... Guest_Kallie Blessed be...my darling baby girl... Guest_Kallie disappears in a swirl of white lights... Guest_Kallie the book lets out what sounds like a sigh too... Guest_Keara gets up and goes over to the book, gently putting her hand on it "not what you expected to happen to the family, huh" Guest_Kallie the book vibrates under her touch... Guest_Keara smiles "I guess I better go find Kallie before Elsa brings the kids home...and stop leaving the attic when there are guests..." Guest_Kallie the book rustles his pages...like he was blowing a raspberry at her... Guest_Kallie the book goes silent... Guest_Keara gently pats the book "dont pout...its not good for a um book your age" Guest_Kallie the book vibrates...almost like he is purring... Guest_Keara shakes her head "fine..you can be downstairs" Guest_Keara picks the book up and heads back downstairs and sets it on the desk in the living room "well..have fun talking with the other books" she teases before leaving the house, looking for Kallie Guest_Kallie is walking on one of the trails...a storm cloud following her...making it easy to figure out where she is... Guest_Keara quickly catches up with her "I have an idea...if you are willing to go into town with me" Guest_Kallie : I thought you had an appointment? Guest_Kallie : that was fast Guest_Kallie : alright...so what is your idea Guest_Keara : well...how about going to the college and going through some books and see if something peaks your interest... Guest_Kallie : college? Guest_Keara : yeah...it has more to go through than the high school Guest_Kallie looks confused by her suggestion..."I...guess..." Guest_Keara smiles "you could find something that interests you" looping her arm through hers, muttering her transportation spell and they appear in one of the women's bathroom inside the library Guest_Kallie : Ok...if you say so Guest_Kallie nods Guest_Kallie follows her out of the bathroom Guest_Keara the girls walk into the main part of the library Guest_Kallie follows her...its not long before they are browsing through the books... Guest_Keara browes through the book, finding one that would help her with a paper that was late since it was due the day Elizabeth was born and the teacher extended it for her Guest_Kallie is finding herself alternating between imperial history books...and books about painting.... Guest_Keara goes over to her and looks "you probably know everything about imperial history...so why not go with the painting ones" Guest_Kallie : I know his...verison of it Guest_Kallie : no time like the present Guest_Kallie takes two books on Imperial History...and three books about painting... Guest_Keara : smiles as she watches her "if you dont mind staying here, I have a paper to finish and that'll give you time to read the books without being interrupted Guest_Kallie : ok...I guess I will be over there Guest_Kallie takes her books...heading over to a comfortable reading area...settling in to start reading...› Guest_Keara has left the conversation. Passport: 0_88b198c1afc6af431ae8fce3ef83845e