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Date Posted:12/17/2015 01:50 AMCopy HTML
Connecting to Connected! › You have joined the conversation. Guest_Keara was out in the main barn, brushing down one of the horses, trying to stay busy Guest_Callisto is walking around on the property...she eventually comes into the main barn...looking around...› Guest_Callisto +q Guest_Keara Guest_Keara glances up when she hears someone walk in and tries to give a welcoming smiling "hi Callie" Guest_Callisto : Hi Guest_Callisto : Yes...Chris and David went into town for last minute wedding details...I was...bored Guest_Keara : didnt realize that their wedding was coming so quick....have you ventured out to the neighboring woods? Guest_Callisto : This is the furthest I have been Guest_Keara brushes the mare "ahh...there is still a bit more you havent seen" sighing softly Guest_Callisto : I am sure there is Guest_Callisto watches her as she brushes the mare... Guest_Callisto : Never done it before Guest_Keara smiles softly "its not that difficult...its like brushing your own hair" motioning her over "and besides Star will let you know if she doesnt like how you are doing it" Guest_Callisto : Star? Guest_Keara her name" softly stroking the mare's nose "almost every animal here has a name" Guest_Callisto slowly moves over to where Keara is... Guest_Keara holds out the brush to her "brush her back from her neck to her tail, slowly" Guest_Callisto takes the brush from her...slowly doing as she instructed... Guest_Keara once you get to her tail, follow the same route a few more times...." says, feeding Star some sugar cubes, discretely checking her comm unit Guest_Callisto : does what she is told..."What are you waiting on Guest_Keara looks up, startled "oh...just seeing if there was any updates on my dad....Aunt Ana and Fayth are sitting with him now...." Guest_Callisto : i'm sorry Guest_Keara : thank you....just glad Ryder and I got to him when we did.... Guest_Callisto nods Guest_Keara clears her throat "she's enjoying you brushing her" Guest_Callisto : she is? Guest_Callisto swallows...continuing to do as she was instructed... Guest_Callisto : I dont know why...I have never been around them Guest_Callisto swallows hard...stepping back... Guest_Keara : its alright callie...Star can sense you arent going to hurt you Guest_Callisto : its not that Guest_Callisto sighs..."I...dont want my sister getting married..." Guest_Callisto : brb Guest_Keara looks at her "I think Star has had an efficient brush down..come on lets go inside where it warm and you can talk to me about that" starting to clean up Guest_Callisto nods Guest_Keara finishes up cleaning up and soon the girls are sitting in the kitchen of the main house with cups of hot coco in front of them "why dont you want Christy getting married?" Guest_Callisto : I dont know really...I....I...dont want to loose her... Guest_Callisto wraps her hands around the hot chocolate..."Feels like I am..." Guest_Keara : its a change that you arent ready for...having to share her with David....but I promise you, you arent losing her...in fact you are gaining a brother Guest_Callisto : if you say so... Guest_Keara : I know so, Cal....question is why didnt you go with them? Guest_Callisto : To do what...watch them plan their wedding details Guest_Keara : to show interest in what is to be the best day of your sister's life, and help them plan it Guest_Callisto looks away from her...letting go of the cup and sitting back... Guest_Keara : if you had went with them, your bond with your sister wouldve gotten stronger....trust me on that Guest_Callisto slowly gets up...heading toward the door... Guest_Keara watches her walk to the door "your actions are showing that you could care less about Christy's happiness...being married you dont lose anything you gain more family" Guest_Keara watches her walk to the door "being married you dont lose anything you gain more family" Guest_Callisto : She gains a family Guest_Callisto sighs....wiping her cheek... Guest_Callisto : its...not scary... Guest_Callisto : I dont know... Guest_Callisto nods Guest_Keara smiles softly "next time Christy asks you to join them, go with them, and try to show some interest...that will say more than you know..." Guest_Callisto : ok...hypothetically...if you and Ryder were going out on the town...Do you really want your sisters tagging along Guest_Keara : depends on what we were doing....if we were doing some wedding planning, then yes, but if its a much needed romantic night out, which come to think about it we are due one, no Guest_Callisto : Ok...They do dinner...shopping...movies...I am no expert...but...that sounds like they want to be alone... Guest_Keara : then why would she ask you to join them if that was the case? Guest_Callisto : Honestly...I dont know...Just like I wasnt supposed to know she was pregnant...Half the time I feel like I am nothing more than a burden to her... Guest_Keara : Im willing to bet she didnt tell you right away was because she wanted to give you time to heal....and you know, sweetie, thats normal....Ive felt like that too at times Guest_Callisto : The difference is you have a strong bond with your sisters...forumulated when you were just toddlers...Chris and I were kept apart to prevent that sort of bonding... Guest_Keara : Callie, it hasnt always been like that for us....and now you two have the chance to fix that, even gain a bond with your mother Guest_Callisto : Keara...if you didnt have that bond...you wouldnt be an Enchanted One Guest_Keara : when she came home finally, we were close to losing that bond that makes us Enchanted Guest_Callisto : it may have felt that way...but from what I remember from magical lore...the Enchanted Ones bond is unique...its created from a bond of family love...no matter how much you may have fought...or argued...deep down...you would have done everything in your power to protect eachother... Guest_Keara sighs softly "you are right...and i hate saying this, but you seem to be looking for every excuse in the book not to create a bond with your sister" Guest_Callisto : I watched you face the a powerful Mal who had all the power in the world to destroy the thing you loved most...and your sisters were right there beside you...I cant see Chris doing that for me...She was the one who told me to go back to Mauve Hall...knowing what my fate would be...all so she could be with David... Guest_Keara : I cant speak for her, but I can see her reasoning behind it. David told me that she said that you shouldve told them that she had died and thats why you went back empty handed...surely he wouldnt have done anything to you if she was dead Guest_Callisto : and that is when he would have asked for proof that she was dead...I would have been caught in a lie...and I would have been executed... Guest_Keara : you really think they wouldnt have thought of something to show him as proof? Guest_Callisto : and who would they have sacrificed... Guest_Keara : they wouldnt have sacrificed anyone, Callie...there is many ways to produce a body Guest_Callisto : He is a powerful Mal...he isnt going to be fooled by a cheap cloaking spell...or illusion... Guest_Callisto : a body with specific DNA...that he would have put into his crypt... Guest_Keara : if you didnt care so much for Christy, you wouldve found a way to get you both back as soon as you had the opportunity, which if i remember correctly, you had multiple opportunity's...and you didnt take it, so that tells me a hell of a lot Guest_Callisto : I do care about her...She is all I have...She is my sister...and I wasnt about to let him kill her for abandoning her post... Guest_Callisto : but hers are? Guest_Keara : that I dont know, I only have what david tells me to go off on...you two are in areas that you have no idea on how to handle them....but from david has told me, she is trying to the best of her ability...and it wouldnt hurt if you tried as well Guest_Callisto : Keara...I never wanted this life...the only reason I am here...is because I refuse to be the reason my sister is dead... Guest_Keara : life takes weird turns, Callie....you think my sisters and I wanted to be the Enchanted ones? we were happy without having magic Guest_Callisto : It doesnt work that way and you know it...You were born Enchanted...its who you were always meant to be... Guest_Keara : and you were always meant to have a relationship with your sister Guest_Callisto : maybe the relationship we have now is all we were ever meant to have... Guest_Callisto swallows...... Guest_Keara gets up, taking their cups over to the sink and washes them "you will end up having this current relationship if you dont stop pushing her away. she cant be the only one making attempts, you have to help...and no I dont know how, that is up to you" Guest_Callisto : In other words...forget everyone I ever cared about back in Mauve Hall...forget the life I had there... Guest_Callisto : Then what Keara...Everything I ever knew was back there...Hera wants me back... Guest_Keara stops and looks at her "well that explains everything....." Guest_Callisto looks at her Guest_Keara : you coming back because of her will gain her even more favor with your father....elevates her higher than ever, even higher than you and Christy if you did return Guest_Callisto Nods..."Chris forfeited her postion when she abandoned her duty...and as his daughter...I could never be head Hand...in theory I am in line to the throne..." Guest_Callisto : She raised me Guest_Keara : she may have raised you, but its possible that she never loved you...she hated your mother Guest_Callisto nods again Guest_Keara : and what I mean, thinking it over, dont forget about your life back in Mauve Hall, focus on some of the happy memories you had, dont worry about what Hera wants, do what you want....and try to work on your bond with Chris Guest_Callisto swallows hard...then nods...before heading back out into the cold...heading back to Rose Cottage... Guest_Keara sighs when she leaves and goes into her bedroom, changing into an over sized sweatshirt and sweatpants before curling up in bed, with a book